Everything you need to know about Podcast Marketing in 2021

Everything you need to know about Podcast Marketing in 2021

The very first question that pops up in anyone’s mind as soon as you mention Podcasts is “What exactly is a Podcast?” Unlike other common and viral marketing strategies available in the market Podcast definitely doesn’t explain what it actually is and how it can play an integral part in any marketing strategy.

A Podcast in basic terms is a program of music or a talk show that is made available to its users in a digital format for download purposes over the Internet. Podcasts are very similar to an audio content especially like radio shows and it covers almost every topic like books, television, movies, current affairs, etc. A Podcast is typically free and extremely high on demand at present.

This enables any person having a decent internet connection to have access to these Podcasts at any given point of time. Even famous digital marketers like Digital Pratik who is India’s leading digital marketing consultant has launched a brand new course called “7 days roadmap to launch a successful Podcast” on the occasion of his birthday. This clearly proves that Podcasts is surely an upcoming field and high on demand.

What Makes Podcast Marketing so Popular?

Personally, Podcasts are highly engaging and they help you to connect with your audience directly by providing your email ID that is associated with your brand. This simplicity is highly appreciated by listeners and as a result, encourages more people to become avid visitors and boost loyalty. Podcasts have a very on the go culture which allows its users to have access to these podcasts very easily.

This enables brands to share their stories anytime and anywhere which indirectly helps them to establish an authority in the industry. Podcasts have successfully emerged as a new platform for storytelling and offer a transparent way for marketers to communicate with their target audience.

Let us now understand the pros and cons of including podcasts to your marketing strategy.

PROS of Podcast Marketing :

1 : Podcasts are convenient to consume, compared to texts, videos and images.

2 : Podcasts increase your reach and grow your audience, as you expose your content to thousands of potential free listeners.

3 : Podcasts are inexpensive and a quick produce in comparison with a text or an image or a video.

4 : Podcasts give you a forum to interview experts in your industry and as a result you get to add more expert connections in your network.

5 : Podcasts help you to stand out from other competitors who don’t use podcast marketing at all.

6 : Podcasts help in building trust with your audience as an audio content is very personal. This is because when you speak the audience gets to hear your personality and absorb the authenticity.

But as it goes by the saying everything good has a downside too. With this new era of digital marketing where everything is digitalised in the sense that even if you want to read a book and you are too lazy to read one, you can use the podcasts for it if available. A podcast can be very useful a lot of times, but because of being a completely new technology, it possesses its disadvantages.

There are a list of disadvantages of a podcast as a lot of times it is time-consuming, not searchable, accessibility problem for complex topics and very few audiences because of being newly introduced. It consumes a lot of time especially when the file is large and is not compatible with every device for e.g. iOS. Despite being in a modern and digital world, not everyone owns a mobile phone or laptop most people still prefer to read a book instead of downloading and listening to audio files on the internet.

CONS Podcast Marketing :

1 : The bandwidth of the Podcast can cost you a fortune.

2 : While publishing a Podcast it becomes extremely difficult to track ROI (Return on Investment)

3 : While creating a Podcast, if you have limited resources available-creating a compelling content daily is a task that will result in losing your audience very quickly.

4 : With podcasts, it gets difficult to get buy-in from the internal stakeholder.

5 : When you create a Podcast you certainly can’t fake enthusiasm; you need to make sure that the person who is listening knows that you create podcasts passionately.

Clearly then, Podcast Marketing has entered the mainstream of every strategy and has become the tipping point where the majority of the people are seeking out for information through this medium. Given the increasing population by the day, this is hands down the right time for businesses big or small to consider the range of benefits Podcasts offer.

If you haven’t already turned to Podcast marketing this is your chance to create a connection with your target audience that is highly authentic. For a start, small businesses can keep it simple by setting up affordable recording booths for smooth access. And eventually, after broadcasting a few shows that add value to the listener you will begin to see the reaping benefits Podcasts offer.

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5 Unique Pros and Cons Podcast Marketing in 2021

Everything you need to know about Podcast Marketing in 2021 : Podcast

The Digi Creators