How to Plan a Product Launch Event in 2021

Plan a Product Launch Event in 2021

How to Plan a Product Launch Event in 2021?

No matter what product or service your business offers, whether you have a huge budget lined up for your product launch or not; this blog will help you understand the vital points to keep in mind while planning a product launch event and a step by step guide to go about the entire planning process. Every product launch event has its uniqueness but to put up a successful event taking the below steps into consideration is a must.

Step 1: Thoroughly Know Your Audience : Ask yourself these questions every single time while planning out a product launch event. Who are they? What are their problem areas? What made them attend your event? How to make your event stand out and create a lasting impression? What should they expect from your launch? A product launch is all about the audience. The best launch events are the ones that have a clarity on their vision and the purpose is fixed.

  • Build an embodiment and get a clearer picture of who your audience is and what they are expecting.
  • Communicate with your existing clients and collect feedback.
  • Speak to your contacts who have run launch events in the past to get a first-hand experience.
  • Talk to those who have attended launch events in the past and improvise according to their feedback.

Step 2: Find an Exclusive Venue That Stands Out : People may or may not judge a book by its cover but they sure will judge your launch event based on your venue. So choose the location of your launch event wisely as this is an important factor that will either break or make your launch event. Finding a unique venue is a must but at the same time it should possess a wow factor and should be relevant.

For e.g. if you are launching a new product related to food and beverage you might want to host the launch in an acclaimed restaurant. It is important to have an outstanding venue but it shouldn’t outcast your product. You want your audience to appreciate the location but they should go back home thinking about your product and not the venue alone.

  • If people are travelling from out of town make sure its nearby the airport/station and is easily accessible.
  • Make sure that the surroundings of your venue meet the standards of your audience.
  • The location you choose must be discoverable on the map and non-chaotic.

Step 3: Invite Selective People Only : Exclusivity is an important ingredient in every launch party as it drives huge success. Categorize your list of invitees in such a way that you don’t miss out on the most important ones. First of invite the ones who are the most influential. Second, the ones you have a strong relationship with. And, lastly people who you may not know on a personal level but have high relevancy with the event such as media personnel’s or Public relation associates.

  • Each and every individual attending the event should have similar interests and be highly relevant.
  • Divide your invitees in 3 parts- highly influential, journalists and those in PR and potential customers.
  • Have a filter while creating your invitee list.

Step 4: Be Clear with Your Message : It is essential to be clear with your message as it just doesn’t hold that importance on the day of your event but from the day you begin planning it. Everything you want to convey to your audience should be aligned and simple. Start building anticipation well in advance so that your audience and the media is aware. Make sure that the message you are promoting hits the headlines. Collaboration is another good way to create a buzz around your event as you get the added benefit of spreading your message to the influencer’s audience.

  • Involve your local or online community to spread your message.
  • Continue with this momentum until your launch event day arrives.
  • Encourage your audience to use hashtags to create a buzz to create anticipation.

Step 5: Give a Personalized Experience to Each of Your Attendees : Everything comes to the point of giving a memorable experience to your audience. Creating unforgettable moments for your attendees goes a long way and creates a lasting impression. You can create a moving experience right from the time they arrive till they leave. Focus on creating an unforgettable first impression. Creating a memorable experience won’t cost you a fortune- adding a personal touch to every move counts.

  • While greeting them or simply while giving away goodies make sure to personalise their individual experience.
  • Build valuable connections by interacting and introducing one another to pertinent attendees.
  • Make the entire event about them and their experience.

Step 6: Stay Unique : Even though your main focus should be on your audience but this doesn’t mean you completely forget about your agenda and your goals. Always focus on create a unique brand style, a unique story revolving around your brand and a clear vision. Your uniqueness will always make you stand out from the crowd and make your brand shine brighter which ultimately makes your launch event a success. Invite all your attendees to be a part of your journey and involve them to create a personalised experience that they won’t forget.

  • Do all you can within your limits to make them a part of your journey.
  • Constantly follow up with them and take feedbacks, constant suggestions and referrals.
  • The longer you stay unique the better rapport you create in front of your attendees.


    1. Make a Budget

    2. Invest enough time

    3. Find a purpose

    4. Create an event for real people

Planning a product launch event is essential and requires a high level of commitment, a commitment from you for your product. Laying a strong foundation is the key to a successful launch event. With the right focus creating a successful product launch event is way simpler than you may think. If you are someone wanting to launch your product anytime soon, please visit us at

Plan a Product Launch Event in 2021

  • Step 1: Thoroughly Know Your Audience
  • Step 2: Find an Exclusive Venue That Stands Out
  • Step 3: Invite Selective People Only
  • Step 4: Be Clear with Your Message
  • Step 5: Give a Personalized Experience to Each of Your Attendees
  • Step 6: Stay Unique

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