4 Best Digital Marketing strategy for hotel industry

Best Digital Marketing strategy for hotel industry

Best Digital Marketing Strategy for Hotel Industry

As people these days are using digital channels more than traditional channels for researching their travelling or holiday destination or even for booking a hotel. This gives rise to a new way of meeting your customers which are known as digital marketing for the hotel industry or hotel online marketing or hotel internet marketing.

The main reason we need to know about digital marketing for the hotel industry is that it increases awareness of your brand. Digital marketing for the hotel industry will increase the visibility of your brand across all digital channels. As your reach will improve gradually, you will receive more and more bookings. Moreover with the online reviews and pictures that you or your customers’ post will shape the status of your brand.

It also makes your viewers or audiences prefer your hotel over your competitors and it assists you in providing good hospitality and customer service. With proper planning and performance, you can have it all.

Here are some great tips for marketing your hotel industry, as the internet has affected the life of a hotel owner and the life of a traveller to a great extent. The modern travellers like to find their next travel destination by searching online whether it be from social media or from a simple Google search, everything plays an important role in shaping the decision. Providing your audience with the information they need at their fingertips is a great way to win their trust and gain loyalty.

Being an owner of the hotel industry, you have to be there where your ideal customers are, in today’s time it’s the digital world. Before you start forming any of your marketing plans, here are some of the valuable digital marketing strategies for the hotel industry which is sure to take your business to new heights.

1. Maximise Local SEO :

Local SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) helps the visitor who is looking out for relevant information online to get local results. For example, if you own a hotel and someone “searches for the best hotel in Manali” your hotel will be easier to locate because it is optimized accordingly. To maximise your customer ground, you need to find a way to get to the top of the search engine rankings.

By maximising your local SEO it will make your hotel more visible to the potential audience, build brand awareness and drive sales. Examples of local SEO opportunities for the hotel industry include Google My Business, Yelp, and TripAdvisor and many more. Also, large OTAs (Online travel agents) like booking.com can help you with the local SEO opportunities. To get your hotel industry to rank #1 on the Google search result hiring an SEO specialist is the best option.

2. Have a Mobile Friendly Website :

By creating a mobile friendly website it helps you to grow more in the hotel industry. With more and more people using their mobile phones to initially search several different hotels at once and book their stays online, the importance of an accessible webpage via mobile is clear. According to a research study, booking on a mobile device have leaped from 13% to 20% in the span of 12 months, while PC (computer) booking has fallen from 92% to 85%.

If you want your webpage to be available to as many users as possible to increase potential bookings, regardless of the device they are using having a mobile friendly website is mandatory. This gives a good impression of your brand having a website that is accessible on all devices. The quality of the webpage on all devices should be uniform. If your website is not up to the mark, it might even prevent your users from making any further bookings at your hotel.

3. Create more content :

Content marketing is an important part of your hotel’s digital marketing strategy. As content marketing is the creation and sharing of online material such as videos, blogs, and social media posts that do not promote your brand directly but it is purposely intended to stimulate interest in your product/services.

For example you own a hotel in Shimla, you could write a great piece of content about the view and the mountains in Shimla, and although the mountain and view aren’t what you offer to your potential guest it could persuade them to visit Shimla and book a stay at your hotel. To make your content more effective you should add effective CTAs (call to action) such as “book now” for driving maximum sales.

4. Be present on social media (organic & paid) :

There are around 42 million active social media users in our country hence being present on social media is vital for any hotel industry. By putting a strong social media strategy in place, it can help you build engagement with existing and potential guests, and create brand awareness and also help you to reach your target audience conveniently.

With the existence of social media platforms you can reach millions of people at the same time and at the same place. There are many different social media channels varying from Twitter, to Facebook, to Snapchat, Instagram and many more. But you don’t need to be on all of the channels, having a few varied options are advantageous for your business industry. Monitoring and responding to feedback from your guests is a crucial part of your social media strategy, doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative feedback. By being present on any social media you become easily discoverable it is even simpler to ascertain feedback. In return you can respond to them in a professional and timely manner.

Looking out for an SMO (Social media optimizer) or SMM (Social Media Marketer) to expand your hotel industry on social media? Look no further! Reach out to us at www.thedigicreators.com for a free consultation.

4 Unique and Best Digital Marketing Strategies for hotel industry in 2021

  • Maximise Local SEO
  • Have a Mobile Friendly Website
  • Create more content
  • Be present on social media (organic & paid)

4 Best Digital Marketing Strategy for hotel industry in 2021 : Podcast

The Digi Creators