5 Best Digital Marketing strategy for GYM Industry

Best Digital Marketing strategy for GYM Industry

In today’s era most people are online nearly every hour of every day, whether they’re at work or home or at the gym, which means you need to be online if you want to successfully promote your business online even if it is a gymnasium. As there is no doubt that you have put in a lot of time and money into your gym membership marketing strategies. For this a very solid digital marketing strategy comes in handy, if executed correctly it could save you from both.

Unlike print and TV marketing, which is mostly a one way conversation platform, online marketers allow you to interact with your leads and prospective customers. This will increase loyalty and that automatically increases your membership over time of your gym. Running a gym means, connecting with new members every day which is overwhelming and not an easy task. As a gym owner, you have to understand the importance of ranking high on search engines, as compared to offline marketing which is not as supportive as before.

Here are a few unique and best digital marketing strategies for the gym industry which you can start using to bring in more clients into your establishment.

1. Start a Fitness Blog :

For a small gym, marketing ideas that don’t cost a lot still can do wonders from the bottom line. As a blog is one of these affordable yet highly effective marketing idea. The benefits of a blog are multi-faceted, as it will allow you to stay in touch with members and prospect, share fitness related advice and promote events of your gym.

You won’t see a lot of revenue directly linked to your first blog post at first, but as time passes by with dedication you can develop a reputation of a health and fitness expert. This will bring you a lot of long term followers and long term revenue. Don’t always write about your gym or yourself. Instead stick to a topic that is relevant to your members or potential clients and produce frequent blogs to maximize the effect.

2. Create an Email Newsletter :

An email is a terrific way to let people know what’s happening with your business. It has the potential to be a very useful tool for you, as it can help you with other lead generation strategies as well. Keep your gym on the top of your customers’ minds by sending a regular email newsletter to your members and prospects.

By sending an email every week or every month which contains news stories, photos, videos and whatever else is interesting to your reader builds trust. As with your blogs and with your emails it will strike a balance between health and fitness topics and your gym in particular. Also make sure to follow the best practices to make your newsletter even more effective and obviously to gain results.

3. Invest in good SEO :

As SEO is a powerful tool because of the sheer volume of people searching for a gym on Google. There are a huge number of audiences continually using Google to find your exact service, by having your webpage present in these searches your customers and visitors will increase automatically. SEO has become somewhat of an ugly duckling of web marketing due to the number of industries that optimize webpage using spam techniques.

The SEO tips for gyms include creating excellent locally focused content, optimizing your Google listing, optimizing your webpage, building your NAP citations across the web (Name, Address, & Phone Number), fixing incorrect citations and many more. New gym owners might find it extremely overwhelming to strategize the entire plan, for this an SEO expert can be of immense help for the smooth flow of the process and to gain maximum profits out of it.

4. Invest in Good online Ads :

There are multiple numbers of places to buy advertisements online, the highly recommended ones are - Facebook ads, Google, Bing, Yahoo search, and display network ads. Online advertisements don’t always drive the most direct conversions, but they drive brand awareness. Banner ads on Facebook and on other webpages are extremely cheap. Marketing your gym using PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is one of the best, fastest and the easiest ways to generate more leads and on board online customers. Even if you have no experience with online marketing strategy, you can always hire the best digital marketing agency in Mumbai to take the pressure of your head.

5. Mobile Marketing :

In today’s time fitness has officially gone on all mobile. As 80% of your members are bringing their phones to the gym and consumers now purchase memberships 5 times more on mobile devices rather than TV’s and desktops combined. So wouldn’t it make sense to structure the way you market your gym around this mobile phone revolution? By using a club mobile app for your gym’s marketing you can use things like scan barcode guest passes to convert prospects into members.

Unlike direct mailers or like the billboards, you can calculate the ROI (return on Investment) of your campaigns and get access to member data that would otherwise be inaccessible. With the help of mobile marketing, you can increase revenue more efficiently and effectively. While positioning your gym to be successful in the increasingly technologically savvy world, mobile marketing will help you in gaining a lot of new customers and drive maximum sales.

Was this helpful? Write to us at hi@thedigicreators.com and call us at +91-9833482902 for a free consultation.

4 Unique and Best Digital Marketing Strategies for GYM in 2021

  • Start a Fitness Blog
  • Create an Email Newsletter
  • Invest in good SEO
  • Invest in Good online Ads
  • Mobile Marketing

4 Best Digital Marketing Strategy for GYM in 2021 : Podcast

The Digi Creators